Friday, August 13, 2010

What is happening?...

Life has been a bit strange for a past few days. Everything thing around me looks good but then I like it and I am indifferent to it at the same time. What has befallen upon me is still unknown to me. Has the hectic past few days have taken their toll on me - which is highly unlikely in my case or in realty I don't want to accept that "Yes, I am vulnerable". Whatever may be the case, my eyes seem to have lost the warmth of feelings. It looks like everything is devoid of the same thing - feeling and warmth.
From dawn to dusk, all I do is roam around like I am lost. But the basic question remains - Am I lost or Have I lost it? :)
That's the stupid grin I pose with throughout the day feeling like "what the heck is happening around me, I am above all this". All the thoughts are jumbled up and the same way they are coming on the screen, lolz. Again the same stupid laugh.
"Putting into order my inordered life" but what is inordered and what is oredered with me i still the same question for which I am at loss. Loss of words and loss of feelings. Loss of self and loss of meaning. Waiting for what is going to happen and lost in the world within myself with or without meaning...

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