Monday, July 09, 2007


"The world says writing is the best method to express yourself, I say writing from heart as the best form of writing, As then you heart says and people listen... "

Things all around me are going in the rather same fashion for past few weeks. There has been nothing exciting event going around the place. Last weekend I had been to my home, I had a good time there. But as usual things keep on changing, nothing is constant, so am back here in my office and trying to work ;)
I usually try to update or write something here earlier when I as at home or at some palce where I had peace and thoughts came to me freely but today I just had the feeling to write something and that was going to be something written here. Its now advent of monsoons in India, and really I get sometimes fed up with all rains and the puddle it creates. There is such a lot of water logging in gurgaon, that you cant really go anywhere. Its such a mess out here. Well, well... reat nothing more to write... now that I really dont have anything to put down, so will put down something interesting later on....
till then take care

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I write when I have absolutely nothing of importance to express. I just feel like I need to get my random thoughts out. I agree with that quote, I think writing is the best method of expression.