Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wanting to get lost in the crowd...

It looks like its been ages when I last talked to myself. I was trying to keep myself busy so that I don't get to talk to myself. But why is it so? Have I ever wondered what I was and what I am becoming.
The silence within me is turning into cacophony. The tranquility of still waters is being invaded by a tsunami. Still I am turning a blind eye to all of them. Again the same question Why? Why is it to that I am trying to avoid. What is it that I fear so much. Where has that Manish gone who used to fight for reason, who had a logic, who searched the soul.
All the world is marching but I am standing still rooted to a single point. Everybody has gone ahead then what I am clinging to? With all the ropes of hopes gone, nobody around to share and laugh. The friends for life are nowhere to be seen or is that I am turning blind. I know I am at fault many times but not always then why is it I am left again and again. The heart cringes at every memory with the bleeding that has turned dry. No more tears are left within me, but still I want to cry. A hope that I nourish every day in and out to become someone and to stand within friends family and crowd. All I have left is a deserted look with a emptiness so profound that its hard to hear myself or a friendly sound. It looks like that I am losing all, with standing alone without a soul.
I started as a journey saying that I was lost in the crowd, its that phase I am passing through where there is only me but no crowd. All the helping hands are at bay waving a goodbye, all I want is someone to talk to, someone to say just a simple "Hi"

Wanting to get lost... get lost in the crowd...

(image courtsey: